Unidentified Sources

If you have any information on the following lost works, please e-mail theravenswoodacademy@gmail.com

Wong Honfan 黃漢勛 performs Liuhe Staff 螳螂六合棍 in these images from Chinese Boxing Magazine, circa 1957.


This page shows the final position of 走步斜挑 WALKING AWAY, CARRYING DIAGONALLY in photo 55c [upper right], then the three parts of 隨風招展 BANNER FLUTTERING IN THE BREEZE [also called 大展黃旗 SPREADING THE YELLOW BANNER] in photos 56a [lower right], 56b [upper left], and 56c [lower left]


This page shows 崩打一棒 CUDGELING WITH AN AVALANCHE STRIKE [same as Posture 70 of Fifth Son’s Staff] in photo 62 [upper right], then 單提棍法 LIFTING THE STAFF WITH ONE HAND in photo 63 [lower right], 老僧穿衣 OLD MONK PUTS ON HIS ROBE in photo 64 [upper left], and 穿衣疾走 IN HIS ROBE, HE SWIFTLY FLEES in photo 65 [lower left]


The Graduation of the Hon Fun Gymnastic School. Unknown Publication.


Article from an unknown magazine. Note the unique photo of Wong Honfan in his last years with his student, 源汶湝 Yuen Man Kai, on page 68.
